Monarch Conservation Toolbox

Pilot Projects

Nebraska Pheasants Forever Habitat Tips

United States

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The Nebraska Chapter of Pheasants Forever has created a weekly video series of wildlife habitat tips, which includes many topics on planting milkweed and nectar plants for monarch and pollinator habitat restoration. Pheasants require insects as a key component of their diet, especially as chicks, and also use prairie grassland and forb habitat for nesting. Therefore, creating pollinator and monarch habitat provides benefits to pheasants and other game birds, as well as those interested in conserving game birds for hunting purposes.

Habitat tips such as “No Milkweed, No Monarchs,” “The Life History of the Monarch Butterfly” and “Top 10 Pollinator Plants” are examples of videos that encourage habitat conservationists interested in pheasant conservation to also include monarch and pollinator plants in their restoration activities, while educating them about the importance and life history of monarchs and pollinators (Caldwell 2016). The video series is hosted on the Nebraska Pheasants Forever’s Youtube channel (<
>) and can be found on the Chapter’s website as well: <>.

  • Wendy Caldwell. 2016. Monarch Joint Venture, Program Coordinator. Personal communication.

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